Sensory Sunday
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Ideal for guests with sensory needs of all ages, Sensory Sundays are a monthly event. Lights are lowered and sounds are reduced on the museum floor. Weighted vests, noise-reducing headphones […]

Homeschool Day at the Museum
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Visit miSci for a science enrichment field trip. Each participant will experience a planetarium show, guided class with a miSci educator, and time in our interactive galleries. Tickets must be […]

Earth Week at miSci – Below the Surface
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What secrets lie beneath the ground we walk on? Today we’ll find out! Every day of Earth Week at miSci classes includes a guest speaker, museum exploration, and hands-on activities. […]

Earth Week at miSci – Going Green
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Spring is in the air, and it’s getting greener every day. Today we learn all about the plants responsible for the change! Every day of Earth Week at miSci classes […]