Supporting miSci

Gifts made to miSci help provide relevant, high-quality exhibitions and cutting-edge programs that instill a sense of wonder in the minds of the young and old alike. We invite you to join a Giving Circle by making a personally significant gift to miSci. In addition to supporting and enhancing the scientific literacy of our community, as a valued Giving Circle supporter, you will also enjoy premium benefits.

Giving Circle Levels

Star Circle: $2,500-4,999 

  • Company Name and Logo on Fund, Program, or Exhibit Webpage for One Year
  • Recognition Post on miSci’s LinkedIn

Constellation Circle: $5,000 – $9,999 

  • All the Benefits of the Star Circle
  • Donor Wall Recognition for One Year

Galaxy Circle: $10,000 – $14,999 

  • All the Benefits of the Constellation Circle
  • Donation Press Release
  • Listing in miSci’s Annual Report

Super Nova Circle: $15,000 +

  • All the Benefits of the Galaxy Circle
  • A Tour of Collections & Archives and Cocktails with President and VP of Collections for Party of Eight