Don’t miss this year’s miSci break week classes!
The Museum offers onsite Break Week Classes for children in grades K–5. miSci science communicators will cover a variety of engaging STEAM-related topics. Class activities include guided exhibit tours, outdoor games, Planetarium shows, and science demonstrations. Classes are presented separately for students in grades K–2 (minimum age 5 years), and for students in grades 3–5. Students may register for a full week of classes, single full day classes, or single morning classes.
Full Week of Classes (Five Days): Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., fee $290
Single Full Day Classes: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. fee $59
Single Morning Classes: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., fee $40
Here are the exciting break week topics coming up this school year:
Earth Week at miSci
Monday, April 14 – Friday, April 18
Join us for a week of Earth and Environmental Science as we investigate our amazing planet, and the cool technology we use to help preserve it!
Monday, April 14 – What’s On Earth?
Amazing things happen on our planet every moment, hundreds of miles above your head or right in your own backyard- let’s learn about them!
Tuesday, April 15 – Earth: Below the Surface
What secrets lie beneath the ground we walk on? Today we’ll find out!
Wednesday, April 16 – Going Green
Spring is in the air, and it’s getting greener every day. Today we learn all about the plants responsible for the change!
Thursday, April 17 – Water We Talking About?
Water covers more than 70% of our planet and can do amazing things. Today we wade into the deep world of H2O!
Friday, April 18 – It’s Alive!
All week we’ve been learning about what makes Earth a unique place. On this last day of the week, we take a closer look at the critters that call the planet home.
Break Week Classes are available on a first come, first-served basis and registration is required. Museum Members receive a 10% discount.